Thursday, March 31, 2011

Battle of the Sexes (Argumentative Writing)

This week's challenge is to provide the best arguments under the topic of "Baby Dumping: Who should be more responsible? Boys or Girls?" So 4 representatives were selected to represent each team.

Honestly, it was extremely difficult to decide which team should win. It was a tough competition.

So after thoughtful and thorough consideration, I have finally found the winning team. It is the boys' team. Congratulations!

Monday, March 28, 2011

2nd Challenge of the Week (Persuasive Writing)

The second challenge was for the students to persuasively (in writing) convince me that the services provided by their company is the best. Here's the winner:

Although this is not an error-free essay (language needs to be improved) but it has included the most convincing facts compared to the others. CONGRATULATIONS to Noor Asyikin Abu Hanifah...

1st Challenge of the Week - Being Persuasive (Hands-on)

My years of teaching experience have taught me one most important lesson when it comes to teaching writing. Learning to write following the theories prescribed in the textbook is definitely BORING! So I decided to include the hands-on method when we need to solely focus on learning writing in the classroom. Last week's lesson was writing a persuasive essay. The students were put into teams representing three major mobile network service companies; DiGi, Maxis and Celcom. The selection was made based on the phone line that they were using. They were given an hour to decorate their booth and plan ways to convince their major customer (ME) that their service was the best. Here they are, preparing for the decorations and plans.

DiGi team

Maxis team

And the winning team is...

Celcom team
Syazman, Riduan, Fadia, Nasita, Farahana, A'tikah, Sheela, Suhailah, Intan, T. Farah Ardila, Fatinha & Adnan ...for being able to present convincing facts about the best service rendered by their company. CONGRATULATIONS!!!